
Why our Sportsbook?

6 May 2021

At Betstudios, we are proud to build the best, reliable iGaming Software for Operators to confidently run their operations with minimal fuss or hassle.

We recently updated our Betstudios platform with a range of new features which includes significant changes to our sportsbook.

As an Operator, it is important to display your own unique image to your players. With the Betstudios platform you have the choice to easily customise your online presence to suit your own brand image. From the placement of banners and results, to managing your own promotions, you can adjust the platforms’ final look to your own personal liking.

Want a change of colour? Perhaps you need a new feature added? Our platform gives you the ultimate flexibility you need to portray the right online image for your business. Both the frontend and backend are available in multiple languages, offering you the freedom to change our translations to suit your team or the end player.

Our recent changes also include the optimisation of the platform for mobile devices, providing players with an improved, more fluid experience.

Operators have three options to benefit from. Fully Managed - where the client leaves the trading, event management and risk management to us so they can focus on growing the business. Semi Managed - where the client may wish to intervene in certain events, changing odds or disabling markets. Independent - where the client has full control of their own trading and risk management.